

The coffee ritual is necessary to face everyday challenges or to turn meetings and situations into special moments. Segafredo has been working hard to ensure your #SegafredoMoment is always special, wherever you are.

Massimo Zanetti created Segafredo Zanetti, which initially developed in Italy, where it quickly became a leader in the out-of-home consumption and large-scale retail sectors, later conquering international markets.

Today, Segafredo Zanetti is the undisputed leader of espresso coffee in Italy, as well as around the world, with a precise mission: to promote the flavor, culture and preparation of a true Italian Espresso, offering a product of the best quality. , from the plant to the cup, as only Segafredo Zanetti can do.

Segafredo Zanetti belongs to the Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group.


Massimo Zanetti Beverage Ibéria S.A. (MZBI, S. A.), is a company created in 2017, by the Italian Group of the same name, for the production and marketing of coffees in the Iberian Peninsula.

In Portugal, the group entered through the merger between Segafredo Zanetti Portugal and Nutricafés, S.A. which until the date of the merger owned the Nicola and Chave D’Ouro brands and, more recently, Nandi coffees, with the acquisition in 2019.

With this merger of brands, all already with consolidated leadership positions, technological and production capabilities doubled, from roasting, grinding and packaging, to distribution. MZBI is today one of the three largest operators in the Portuguese hot drinks market, providing the Food Service, Mass Market and Office distribution channels.

About the Group Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group, is the world leader in espresso coffee, with more than 100,000 customers spread across 5 continents, focusing the activity of its 20 roasters on developing the concept of the coffee chain from plant to cup.

The Group has more than 54 subsidiaries spread across the world, with around 30 local brands and 400 coffee boutiques in 50 countries, with Segafredo being the group's most internationally recognized brand. All of this is possible thanks to the wonderful group of 3,000 employees around the world, who work daily at MZBG.


Coffee is one of the most consumed products in the world, a drink for creative and dynamic intelligence, a perfect way to awaken your senses at any time of the day. A fundamental drink in our tradition, consumed daily in different parts of the world, depending on different habits and customers.